Dynastes hercules hercules
These beetles are the parents of the larvae I have in breed. 

The origin of the breeding is Dominicia (West Indies).

Copyright: H. Rothacher, http://home.tiscalinet.ch/insects

Remarkable is the yellowly green coloration of the 

coverwings and the huge dimension.

Copyright: H. Rothacher, http://home.tiscalinet.ch/insects

Normally the larvae are on the bottom of the

breeding box.

This larva was observed on the top of the substrat

during feeding.

This larva hatched beginning of June 2003.

After ten month the weight increased from

nearly 0 gr. to 76 gr.

Take a view into the opened cocoon of a

male larvae of Dynastes hercules hercules.

Foto 19.01.2005


male pupa, directly after hatching

The pupa is shining in white, as the

chitin alreadyis not hard.


Adult male beetle.

The metamorphose from pupae

to adult male took 59 days.

Foto 20.03.2005


Adult male beetle 6 days after hatching.

Foto 26.03.2005


Adult male beetle 4 weeks after hatching.

Over all length 135 mm.

Foto 22.04.2005


Fresh laid eggs from Dynastes hercules hercules 

are at the start like an oval.  They are placed

only one in single chambers in the earth.

Foto 12.06.2005

Later they change the forn to circular

Foto 12.06.2005